AOH Church News

Official Statement of Position Of The Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God, Incorporated Concerning Bishop Gregory S. Cannon.
 It is with heavy hearts and much prayer that we, the Board of Bishops of the Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God, Incorporated, find it necessary at this time to address recent allegations brought against Bishop Gregory S. Cannon, our 1st Assistant Presider.
As a result of these allegations and because of the responsibility that we, as the governing body of this church, are charged with, we have made the decision to initiate the temporary removal of Bishop Cannon from all official duties, including but not limited to National and local offices and all related church involvement pending the outcome.

It is not our desire nor our intent to rush to judgement concerning the disposition of our brother’s guilt or innocence, however, we are in fact bound by our moral conscious as well as the office that we hold, to exercise concern and empathy as it relates to all parties who are involved in this matter. 
 We encourage everyone to remain prayerful along with us as we navigate this situation and continue to seek the wisdom and guidance of The Lord Jesus Christ for His direction and guidance as to the final resolution and adjudication of this matter.
For additional information concerning this matter, please email Bishop Joseph Kenneth Turnes, Sr., JD (Public Information Officer) at 
In His Service,
The Board of Bishops