FOREIGn Mission

Supporting the global vision of our International Presiding Prelate, our Foreign Mission Ministry seeks to enlighten its people and to be a blessing to every nation on earth. The church has purchased property, which is being used to expand the physical plant of the body in facilities for relief, education, and recreation, working to fulfill this objective both domestically and in foreign territories across the world.
Please help the AOH Church, carry out the commandment of helping those in need in foreign fields. In 2004 AOH Church traveled to El Doret, Kenya and was overwhelmed by the need people had for clean water, employment and education. Since then we have been to Kenya, raised money for two wells and a school building. The vision is expanding and Bishop Williams has also traveled to The Bahamas and Jamaica. We want to help raise money to offset the costs of donating his time and money to this vision.
The Impact
Is HUGE. Just by raising the funds to dig the first well an entire village was given clean water to drink. But there are hidden costs, like that of maintenance and monthly needs that the AOH Church has continued to support. We want to help the church to continue to keep giving to help those that are less fortunate than we are.